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What happened in NOV 2022

2022 Summary and New Things 2023 To see the pics please sign up for the newsreports


FINALLY BACK TO TANZANIA It had been two and a half years since we last were able to travel to Tanzania! We have moved our workshop to Agape in Tengeru now and it will able to be used all year round now, for making small planters and machines for the farming project. It will also enable us to train the pastors and students in machinery use and maintenance. Our work is now firmly based out of Agape Bible College in Tengeru, Arusha, and it was wonderful to be re-united with Polycarp and John and the rest of the team at the college. They were sharing with me the good things that have been happening, and also their excitement at being able to integrate Tiamoyo Empower Project into the college. This will be of great benefit to the college, and the college will become a vehicle for the expansion of our Agricultural Project to assist more and more farmers in improving their yields and incomes. Pic: Our concrete team, happy to be finished at 9pm!

MOVING THE WORKSHOP pic: 'In the light of day" This workshop was a sea container that we carted to a village (down the hill from Ngorro Ngorro Crater) called Upper Kiteti. It was transformed into our first workshop The decision was made, for practical reasons, and for greater use and exposure, to relocate this to Arusha ( with some typical driving challenges along the way, but we made it, whew ) working overtime . Now successfully re-assembled it is still necessary to employ a guard each night, but we are happy to see someone gainfully employed.


Pic: Polycarp and me with Bishop Jonah, absolute champions. and the senior class at college greets you all ! I have mentioned Agape a few times but thought here to give you a little background. The College campus was purchased about 20 years ago by an American missionary who had faithfully served there, followed by some others. Our friend Polycarp joined around twelve years ago. In 2011 we met Polycarp and he did translating for us on our trips for several years. About 5 years ago the missionaries all had to leave and they asked Polycarp to be College principal. The College is owned by a local board, Polycarp is the chairman, and they are now the ‘in-country partner’ for our project.

NEW MACHINES READY FOR PLANTING It has been a productive trip, I left in the end of September, stayed for all of October and into November. Together with the workshop crew we made a trailer for our new Two- Wheel Tractor and converted one of the planters to No-Till so it is ready for planting season. We also mounted a sprayer pump on the tractor and a boom on the trailer so that at planting time the trailer can be used a s a boom sprayer. The team think it will take them a couple of years to train their guys and some local farmers in using the machinery. These small machines will give them access to No-till planting which means they can get a good yield even with reduced rainfall, which is has become a real problem in East Africa. The machinery will be based in the village and at a cost they can afford.

FARMER TRAINING More than ninety per cent of students at Agape own a small farm or have an interest in one. They are all so keen to learn new ways to improve their farming practices. These people are very inspired to see improvement come and a better mindset and health of the village through improved, ‘climate smart’ no-till, conservation Agriculture. Training in community and economic development gives the students a strong ethical foundation for what they are doing, and clear vision of how practical and technological management goes hand in hand with spiritual awakening for a strong long term wholistic approach to farming and life in the village. Pic: Polycarp trialling a single row planter we have modified for no-till; and 2nd pic :We have also the option of pulling two rows. 3rd pic: Testing the boomsprayer.. the pump can be seen mounted on top of the two wheel tractor

Pic below: Testing the boom sprayer. The pump can be seen mounted on top of the two-wheel tractor

SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT FOR COLLEGE SUSTAINABILITY The leaders of the college have a vision to be as self-sustaining as possible. They have begun this process already by commencing small projects to raise their own meat, milk, vegetables and eggs. This will achieve three goals: 1. It will help the college to more sustainable. 2. It will be ‘testing ground’ for small businesses that can be duplicated where needed. 3. It will provide much needed practical exposure and training to the pastors and students who may wish to develop such a business in the future. The college plans to develop a larger scale chicken project this year. We have been able to give some funds towards this project.

NEW VISION RAISING $30,000 for Land for Tiamoyo and Agape We have set a goal to buy land for the College as a training and demonstration plot for Tiamoyo. This would accomplish several goals. 1. It would help give the college food security. They would grow Maize, Sunflowers and Beans. 2. It would give us a place to refine our machinery and cropping systems for improving local cropping in a controlled environment. 3. It would help both the college and our farming project become more sustainable in the long term. Land around Arusha is very expensive, there is good land further out that is affordable. Please consider making a contribution to this advantageous venture .

DAWAR VILLAGE ONGOING The new church at Dawar is going really well, and the School will open in February. Lesley and I are hoping to visit in May. A team from Nations will be visiting with us for part of that month to help with encouragement and training. By the way, do let us know when you are interested in joining Pete on a future trip.

Meshack will most likely have finished planting at Dawar Village as this newsletter goes out as they have had rain. They have completed a house for the Pastor and his family, and water and electricity are now connected. Polycarp feels the Church and School will provide a strong base in the community for the Tiamoyo agricultural project. We are looking for people who would be willing to support the school. Please contact us. We also have two young women for whom we would like to find sponsors, in order to complete their higher education > you can email Lesley for further detail at the address below..


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